Tradd Slayton

Photos by Tradd Slayton

Hello, my name is Tradd and this is my portfolio.  I hope you enjoy them.  I have a long time love of photography, but only recently have I started to pursue this interest.  I am sort of scattered on what type of photography I want to focus on, but I love Landscape and Wildlife.  Just this year, 2017,  I found a great interest in Motorsports Photography!  I still have a lot to learn, but I think I get better each day!

 I am a 4 year vet of the Coast Guard and 3 year vet of the Army.  I live in Charlotte, NC, but in my mind I live on a beach!

Would also like to thanks Tony & Chelsea Northrup for teaching me what little I know so far! Go to Amazon and check out their book Stunning Digital Photography!

